A red barn with green roof and lawn in front of it.

Application for Use of Venue

Application for Use of Venue
 We believe in The One true God expressed in the Trinity of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. It is through this Trinity that all things, visible and invisible, were created. We believe that all who have acknowledged and repented of sin have received Grace through Faith through the redemptive act of the death, resurrection and ascension of the Son, Jesus the Christ. *
 In this respect we believe that the Bible, The Word of God, is infallible and inerrant and that those who are truly redeemed are in the process of sanctification; being made in the image of the Son. *
 We believe that all those in sanctification are also to be disciples of the Word and so walk in the footsteps of The Messiah, to the end, that we in the process of life, are to make disciples. (Matthew 28:19-20) *
Lastly, I understand that Sinking Springs Retreat Center does not allow its facilities to be used in a way that contradicts its Mission Statement or by persons or groups holding beliefs that contradict Sinking Spring’s Mission Statement.